Friday, February 29, 2008

Random Friday Favorites: A Kristin Hersh Special

* Kristin with an Eye: A picture blog wherein the inimitable and great Kristin Hersh posts a daily picture direct from her phone. This one and this one are my favorites so far. This one looks just like my dog, Luckie. It just dawned on me that the title of this blog is a play on saying, "Kristin with an 'I.'" Sometimes I'm slow.

* Actually, all of my favorites this past week have been about Kristin Hersh. I've been listening to her and Throwing Muses non-stop since I found out that I can send her a list of 10 songs and she will record them for me. And not just for me. For you too, if you're lucky enough to get your order in on time. In fact, I'm not even sure I should post the link because I want my damn CD and don't want you taking my spot. Alright, I'll share.

* My favorite KH/TM songs right now: Speed and Sleep, Listerine, Vitamins V, and Furious have been getting a lot of play and love.

* Some food favorites: today's uncharacteristically decadent weekday breakfast of an everything bagel with butter and coffee with lots of milk and sugar. I don't drink coffee as much as I drink coffee-lite. I will, however, get hardcore with tea and drink that bad boy straight-up, no sugar. Also, ruby red grapefruits rule my world right now. As does the spinach jalapeno tofu by Sunergia Soyfoods that I eat with red swiss chard steamed for 10 minutes before being turned in a hot pan of sizzling canola oil kissed with tamari and that Vietnamese garlic and red chili sauce. Finally, Orville Redenbacher's natural salt and pepper popcorn is a buttery kick in the mouth.

* Coming soon: some guest bloggers talk about being vegetarian in mixed company.

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